(Dust suppressant)
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In the search for controlling dust, Eco-Soil Group presents econTDS®, a transparent synthetic fluid formulated and designed to fulfil the highest standards for health, quality and eco-friendliness. Its scientifically well-proven formula offers an effective and long-term performance in the most extreme weather and environmental conditions.
econTDS® reduces significantly the generation and rise of dust particles in the air of 10 and 2.5 micrometres in diameter, making it PM10 and PM2.5 compliant, on unpaved roads, construction sites, oil, mine and gas zones, rural airports, landfills, quarries, solar fields, power plants and military bases, amongst others. On application to the desired area, econTDS® with its wetting properties unifies the individual dust particles preventing them from becoming airborne.
econTDS®, upon mixing with the dust particles, reduces the number that will go into the air by making them bigger and weighing them down. You may think water is the best solution to suppress dust but, it is actually the most expensive and less efficient method to control dust. After application it evaporates instantly, especially in dry and hot temperatures, and must be reapply constantly, sometimes 3 or 4 times in a day.
By choosing this method you will incur in high equipment maintenance costs, tire wear, labour cost, fuel consumption and on top of that increases your carbon footprint. Unlike water, econTDS® does not evaporate thus resulting in long-term performance. When implemented as instructed, econTDS® reduces virtually to zero the total volume of water used to suppress dust, thus maintaining the level of humidity in that area over long periods of time.

What makes econTDS® unique amongst similar products in the market, is its versatility of use and the ability to offer long-lasting results while remaining cost-effective. We can suppress dust in the following industries:

Depending on the project needs, econTDS® was engineered and developed to be adaptable to fulfil the most extreme requirements. If you need to suppress dust on a road that is not prepared, i.e. crowned for drainage, compacted and have loose aggregate on the surface, econTDS® is the perfect solution as It does not necessitate for the road to be prepared in order to be effective.
That applies for access roads to quarries, ports, construction sites, as well as for heavy mining haul roads and rural roads. After the initial application and due to its unique properties, econTDS® requires less dosage rates thus becoming more economical while maintaining its effectiveness over time.

Environmentally friendly
Decrease in water consumption
It lasts for months and years depending on your project needs
It does not need to dilute it with water. It is applied as-is.
Stops the elevation of fine soil particles of less than 10 and 2.5 micrometres in diameter (PM10 – PM2.5)
- Self-healing
- It is not affected by rain
- Easy and simple to apply
- Water resistant
- Cumulative effect with maintenance
- Resistant to extreme weather conditions
- Odourless
- Prevents health problems associated with dust (allergies, lung cancer, bronchitis, asthma)
- Reduction in operations time and maintenance costs
- Prevents urban and rural pollution
- Non-corrosive
- No special transportation requirements
- Does not need to dilute it with water. It is applied as-is
- Can be applied in freezing temperatures

All of our products have been verified by independent organizations and manufactured by the highest standard of quality.
It is time to use NEW method to stabilize soils and suppress dust.